Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sport Physiology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. in Sport Physiology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sport Physiology, Allahmeh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of upper body and lower body interval exercise on hemorheological factors. Twelve subjects (BMI=30±3 kg/m2) participated in this study. After determining VO2max for upper body and lower body, subjects performed the interval exercise for upper body and lower body in two separate sessions with one week intervening. Interval exercise included 2 minutes of exercise at 85% of VO2max and 4 min recovery at 45% of VO2max. Blood sample were taken before and immediately after exercise and were analyzed. The results showed that irrespective of the exercise type, exercise resulted in significant increases in hematocrit, plasma viscosity, red blood cell count, lactate, rigidity index (Tk) and a significant decrease in the fibrinogen (P<0.05) and no significant (P>0.05) changes in the blood viscosity, red blood cell aggregation, red blood cell deformability, hemoglobin, oxygen supply to tissue, rigidity index Tk. The comparisons of the changes for all variables including blood viscosity, hematocrit, hemoglobin, oxygen supply to tissue, red blood cell aggregation, red deformability, and rigidity index (Tk), lactate, fibrinogen and systolic blood pressure did not show any significant differences between two exercise protocols (P>0.05). However, changes of plasma viscosity in lower extremity and red blood cell count in upper extrimity were significantly different between two trials (P<0.05). It concluded that the acute exercise inducing changes in hemorheological variables, though, these changes are not related to exercise type and body parts involved in acute exercise.


Main Subjects

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