Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the study was to investigate of effect of calorie restriction in combination with high intensity intermittent training and resistance training on plasma concentration of adiponectin, TNF-α and fasting insulin in obese/overweight men. Twenty-eight obese/overweight men (age 31.6 ± 7.2 y) volunteered to participate in present study. The subjects were randomly divided to low calorie diet (n=8), high intensity intermittent training plus low calorie diet (n=10) and resistance training along by low calorie diet. Intensity of intermittent and resistance training was 85 – 90 % HRmax and 70 – 80 % 1RM, respectively. Blood samples were collected three days before and 48 h after last training session. Body mass, fat mass and fat percent were significantly decreased in all groups. In combined groups, plasma adiponectin was significantly increased (HIT group: from 2.65 to 4.6; Resistance training group: from 3.0 to 3.5 µg/ml). Plasma concentration of TNF-α was significantly decreased in combined groups (HIT group: from 2.4 to 1.4; Resistance training group: from 2.7 to 2.5 pg/ml). In HIT group, the changes of adiponectin and TNF-α were significantly higher than resistance training one (all P≤0.01). Fasting insulin concentration was significantly decreased in all groups, but no significant differences were found between groups. Our result indicate that combination of high intensity intermittent training and low calorie diet, to improve of body composition and adipokine profile and decrease on fasting insulin, is superior than calorie restriction alone or combined to resistance training.


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