Document Type : Research Paper



vaspin and adiponectin, adipose tissue-derived adipocytokines, play a substantial role in the pathogenesis and complications of obesity. This study examined the effects of resistance (R) and endurance (E) training on serum vaspin and adiponectin levels and HOMA-IR in sedentary obese men.
Participants included 30 (10 control, 10 RT and 10 ET) obese men studied before and after 12 weeks of RT (50-75% of 1RM) and ET (50-75% of HRmax), 3 days/week. leptin and adiponectin levels, HOMA-IR and anthropometric measurements  were assessed at baseline and after last session. Both vaspin (P=0.001) and adiponectin (P=0.002) levels changed significantly following 12 weeks of endurance and resistance training in comparison to control group. There was significant increase in adiponectin level (P=0.002, 4.25%) and vaspin concentration (P=0.001, 16.26%), HOMA-IR (P=0.003, 5.45%) and the entireanthropometric measured, reduced significantly in ET group. Although Pearson correlation showed significant correlation between the alterations of adiponectin and values of weight (P=0.03) in endurance group and BMI (P=0.05) after endurance training, significant correlation did not exist between alterations of vaspin concentration and changed values of indices assessed neither in endurance nor resistance groups. Endurance training versus resistance training cause of decrease of vaspin and increase of adiponectin concentrations and metabolic profile in sedentary obese men.
