Document Type : Research Paper
M.Sc. Student of Exercise physiology, Sport Science Department, Human Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Assistance Professor of Exercise physiology, Sport Science Department, Human Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Associate Professor of Exercise physiology, Sport Science Department, Human Faculty, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
Associate Professor, Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Aim: The effect of resistance exercise and herbal supplements on mTOR signaling pathway in non-muscle tissues hasn’t been investigated. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of resistance training and spirulina supplementation on the gene pathway of TSC2(RAGs)/mTOR/4E-BPs in kidney tissue of male rats. Methods: 32 rats with an age of 3 months and an average weight of 150±20 g were randomly divided into four groups: control, resistance exercise, spirulina supplement, and spirulina+ supplement exercise. Supplementation groups consumed 200 mg / kg / day of spirulina every day. The resistance training protocol was for eight weeks, 3 days a week and climbing the ladder once a day. 24 hours after the last training session, the expression of the dependent variables was measured using the Real Time_PCR. Two-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results: A significant increase in the expression of 4E_PBs gene was observed in spirulina supplement+exercise group (P=0.012). TSC2 gene was not significantly increased in any of the groups. A significant increase was observed in the RAGs in spirulina supplement groups (P=0.001), resistance training group (P=0.001) and resistance training interaction group with supplement (P=0.001). Also, a significant increase in mTOR gene expression was observed in the spirulina supplement group (P=0.001) and the resistance training group (P=0.014). Conclusions: Considering that the present study was conducted on healthy samples, evaluating the effect of spirulina supplement alone and with resistance exercise on kidney patients can help clarify the effects of this type of therapeutic intervention.
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