Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Exercise Physiology, University of Mazandaran

2 Associate Professor of Exercise Physiology, University of Mazandaran

3 Assistant professor of Baisc Science, University of Tabriz


The purpose of this study was to evaluate of high intensity intermittent training on angiogenesis and morphological changes of visceral adipose tissue in high fat fed male wistar rats. Twenty male wistar rats (4-6 weeks age, and body weight: Mean±SE: 176.2±3.73) were homogenously divided into two groups of high fat diet (n: 10) and standard diet regimens (n: 10). After 10 weeks, each group divided into two groups (training and control; n: 5 in each group); the training group completed 10 weeks high-intensity intermittent aerobic training on a motorized treadmill. Mean adipocyte size and angiogenesis of mesenteric fat were analyzed by Stereology and Immunofluorescence methods respectively. The results showed that high fat diet regimen causes elevation in body weight (P<0.001), fat pad weight (P<0.001), mean adipocyte size (P<0.001), plasma glucose (P<0.001), and reduction in angiogenesis (P<0.001) compared to the standard diet regimen. The high intensity intermittent training caused reduction in body weight (P<0.001), fat pad weight (P<0.001), mean adipocyte size (P<0.001), plasma glucose (P=0.01), plasma insulin (P=0.003) and insulin resistance index (P=0.002) compared to the diet regimen alone (P<0.05). Moreover, in the training+high fat diet group angiogenesis increased compared to the high fat regimen control group (P<0.001). The results indicated that high intensity intermittent aerobic training induces reduction in body weight and fat weight by elevation in angiogenesis and reduction in mean adipocyte size during high fat feeding that is accompanied with improvement of blood glucose hemostasis.


Main Subjects

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